Judy Angeconeb
Judy was born in Sioux Lookout and grew up in Frenchman’s Head and Bear Narrows. Like many other members of Lac Seul First Nation (“LSFN”), Judy is a survivor of the Pelican Falls Residential
School. Since her time at the school, Judy has worked diligently to heal from her experiences and overcome the legacies of intergenerational trauma. Judy is a loving Mother, Kokum and soon to be Great Kokum. In 1988, Judy began her 34-year career with Tikinagan Child and Family Services, starting as a receptionist and ultimately retiring in 2021 as the Director of Services. Throughout her work, Judy worked tirelessly to safeguard both the physical and cultural safety of children and families.
Judy continues to work with Tikinagan, as well as providing advice and counsel as an Elder. Judy has been appointed to the Grandmother role in the creation of Obishikokaang Abinoojii Onakoniikewin Meekanah, developing and administering customary Child Welfare Laws based on LSFN traditional knowledge, values and ways of caring for children and supporting families.
Judy joined the LSPS Board in 2020, utilizing her extensive knowledge in institutional governance and management. Judy hopes to contribute to the strength and wellness of the Board and the Service, increase accountability and transparency, develop a strategic vision, and support the safety and harmony of both community members and LSPS officers. Judy’s hope is that in the future, all LSFN members will be able to walk the paths that their ancestors walked without fear.