Engaging our community
In Our Community
Dedicated to working with the Lac Seul First Nation, we work hard to build relationships with those we serve.
The Lac Seul Police Service is involved in partnerships, activities and education to ensure our healthy, happy and safe communities.
Our officers and staff understand the importance of a progressive approach to community policing and are happy to engage our youth and community members.
Proud of where we live

Drug Awareness Walks
On Sept 7, 2022 the communities of Frenchman’s Head, Kejick Bay and Whitefish Bay arranged a drug awareness walk in support of many of the families that lost loved ones to drug use. The Lac Seul Police attended this initiative and supported the walk by escorting the group on their journey. The Lac Seul Police encourage the communities to please report drug activity to your local police services.
Every Child Matters
The Lac Seul Police joined the Frenchman’s Head School and the Community in a walk to support the Truth and Reconciliation and Every Child Matters Initiative. Shortly after the walk everyone attended a community BBQ and enjoyed the day.